BIG Successes
The Business Improvement Grant (BIG) Program provides financial assistance for building/business owners to make exterior improvements in the Central Area Commercial District (CA) of Gainesville, TX. The Gainesville Economic Development Corporation aims to invest $138,730 into Downtown Revitalization efforts in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Read details about the BIG Program here and see program successes below.
Completed Projects
107 S. Commerce

Building Address: 107 S. Commerce building
Owner: Chad Henderson
Date work completed: May 2023
Before Improvements

After Improvements

The building has been in owner Chad Henderson’s family since 1977. It was constructed in 1884, but Henderson has been renovating the downstairs portion of the building since 2010. Recently, he completed work on the transom windows through a $1,725 BIG grant in the Fall of 2022 and then the awnings with another BIG grant of $4,802 in May 2023.
“I absolutely would not have considered the facade renovation without the BIG program. It was a needle mover for me and something I viewed as a real opportunity to improve the visual esthetic and overall efficiency of my building within Gainesville's historic downtown square,” said Henderson. “The facade is now a showcase for the history of this building and our square. Showcasing, investing and improving a downtown building may be the best marketing you can do for your own business, tenants and neighborhood.”
Read more about this property project here.