High school & college education available in Gainesville, Texas
The Gainesville Independent School District (GISD) has the opportunities to propel your kids to success and facilities that are practically brand new. The school district strives for excellence in providing students with a great education and the skills to achieve success. GISD is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for students of all ages.
In February of 2021, Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) awarded GISD several commendations for exceptional work in education communications including unique and successful projects and programs implemented by the school district. The four awards included the Best of Category/Gold Star Award, two Silver Star Awards, and the Bronze Star Award. See the complete list of GISC Schools below.
Higher Education

North Central Texas College (NCTC)
GISD Schools

Edison Elementary School

Gainesville Head Start

W.E. Chalmers Elementary

Gainesville Intermediate

Gainesville Junior High

Gainesville High School

Lindsay ISD

St. Mary’s Catholic School
Cooke County Schools

Callisburg ISD


Muenster ISD

Sivell’s Bend ISD

Valley View ISD

Walnut Bend ISD