Manufacturer Spotlight – Molded Fiber Glass
September 1, 2018
Leader in Reinforced Plastics and Composites Manufacturing
Molded Fiber Glass Companies is a leader in the field of reinforced plastic and composites. A family owned business for 70 years, MFG Texas opened in Gainesville in 1997. It was initially dedicated to wind energy related work producing blades for wind turbines. Today this manufacturing plant also produces heavy truck parts and parts for water treatment systems.
Keeping pace with market opportunities and new technologies, MFG Texas underwent significant restructuring and facility upgrades in 2016. Foremost in the decision to invest in Gainesville was the encouragement from long standing customers who needed manufacturing support that could deliver a high quality product for their lower volume parts. The turnkey service at MFG helps customers improve their products, reduce manufacturing costs and accelerate time to market, a key differentiator from other suppliers.
The team at MFG supports our community. In honor of their 20th anniversary in Gainesville they presented a $20.000 donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Cooke County towards the organization’s Science Technology and Math (STEM) program. MFG is also a pace setter company for United Way and a recipient of their President’s Award. The team is active in Habitat for Humanity and also collects food for VISTO, enough to feed 1700 local families each year. The company has tremendous pride in how their teammates work to improve the communities in which they operate.
Many do not know one of MFG’s most famous stories of how they changed the automotive industry. In 1954 their founder, Robert Morrison, successfully convinced Chevrolet to change from using steel parts for their production of the new Corvette to fiber glass. Corvettes are still made with fiberglass parts and founder Robert Morrison is an inductee in the prestigious Corvette Hall of Fame.
And just as they take pride in helping the communities they serve, MFG also takes pride in being an employer of choice. They offer great benefits and provide tuition support so that teammates can become educated to develop skill sets and increase their earning potential.
“There is a lot of pride when you make a product of good quality,” said Plant Manager, Cesar De la Rosa. “There is a feeling of accomplishment when you see the product go out the door and even better when you know your team worked together to bring it to completion.”
Pursue a rewarding career in manufacturing where big city benefits are close to home. For more information about the Cooke County Manufacturer Consortium and manufacturers in Gainesville contact Arleene Loyd, Executive Director, Gainesville Economic Development Corporation at 940.665.5241 or visit www.GainesvilleEDC.com.